ORCA Resorts
Usually ORCA Dive Clubs work as Partner hand in hand with Hotels and Resorts at different Locations. In these cases our Base is located in the Resort-Area. But there are two exceptions. In Safaga and in Coral Garden ORCA does not only run the divecenters, but also the associated resort.
Both sites also reflect ORCA’s idea that everything should be about diving. Not everyone likes constant background music in an endless loop. Also forced fun from happy and motivated hosts is not everybody’s cup of tea. And many divers can also happily do without hammering disco beats late into the night.Therefore, many of our guests are happy for the offering that ORCA provides with these two resorts.
There are always two aspects we focus on: For one: Quiet, slowing down and relaxation And also: The distances to the diving centre and water should be as small as possible.