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By December 19, 2019 January 26th, 2025 No Comments



Relaqua® is a relaxation concept that has its origins in freediving. The art of the freediver is to be able to relax to the point. He uses various techniques, such as meditation, the diving reflex, yoga and especially pranayama, the breathing part of yoga.

This is an endogenous relaxation mechanism. The so-called immersion reflex ensures that as soon as the human is no longer breathing and lies face down in the water, various adjustments in the body occur. On the one hand, the pulse falls, on the other hand, oxygen-rich blood is transported to the brain and lungs. The spleen releases more red blood cells, which provide for improved oxygen transport. Humans therefore have an endogenous relaxation mechanism as soon as they hold their breath in the water.

The common thread through all courses of the Relaqua program is the conscious breath. Here are techniques from the pranayama, the breathing part of yoga used. Breathing helps us in a short time to relax, to increase our ability to concentrate, to purify our lungs and much more. In yoga, the term “stopping air” is replaced by “breathing space”. If you take a break from breathing, you will open your window inward and be much more receptive to meditation.

The water is elemental component. In the water, floating exercises are combined with breathing pauses and meditation. Deep relaxation in the water is particularly easy to achieve. The body is weightless and the dominant senses, such as seeing and hearing, are turned off or weakened. In this environment and due to the effect of the dive reflex, the calm and mindfulness meditation is particularly easy.

The whole year Relaqua with Maria in our Egyptian ORCA Dive Clubs

Freediving with the ORCA Dive Club Freediving Academy Nik Linder

Apnea or freediving is the oldest and most original form of diving. For example, apnea divers have collected shells, sponges and pearls back in the Stone Age. The underwater hunt for fish with spears – the spearfishing – is still operated today and represents the world’s largest distribution form of apnea diving. In addition, freediving is operated as a leisure activity and as a diving sport to extreme sports. In the leisure sector, it is mainly about the exploration of the underwater world and the general conditioning for scuba diving. In competitive sports, on the other hand, targeted training always strives for longer apnea times or distance and depth performances.

There are 2 different disciplines, pool and deep diving:

Diving (Static / STA)
Diving with fins (Dynamic with fins / DYN)
Diving without fins (Dynamic without fins / DNF)
Trail diving by time (Speed Endurance Apnoea)

Deep dive with constant weight without fins (Constant weight without fins / CNF)
Deep dive with constant weight with fins (Constant weight / CWT)
Free Immersion / Immersion Libre (FIM)
Deep diving with variable weight (Variable weight / VWT)
No Limit (NLT)

Freediving at ORCA in the Freedive Academy Nik Linder is primarily about recreational activity, experiencing the freedom of the underwater world without technical aids and the peace of the underwater world. More and more divers and non-divers are discovering the benefits of freediving.

And of course the whole year 2019 freediving with Hanna in our egyptian ORCA Dive Clubs and with Nico in the ORCA Dive Club Mauritius.


They used to be known as the strange ones: Freedivers who – without aids – dive into depths that are normally reserved to scuba divers. Yet, given the right training, it is actually not that hard to dive 10 or 20 metres deep just with the strength of your own lung. How can you achieve this? Learn how to in one of our courses. We have four courses on offer:

Freediving Basic

Duration: 1 day pool, theory and open water
Correct breathing and relaxation workshop,
3 confined-water dives (Pool or confined water)
Requirements: Minimum age 10 years, minimum 25 mtr. non-stop swim, experience in dealing with ABC equipment, medical questionnaire.
Special features: incl. SSI Certification

Freediving Level 1

Duration: 2 days, 4 freediving sessions and theory
Requirements: Minimum age 12 years, SSI Basic or equivalent, medical questionnaire
Special features: incl. SSI Certification

Freediving Level 2

Duration: 3 days
Requirements: 15 years old, SSI Level 1 or equivalent, medical questionnaire
Special features: incl. SSI Certification

Freediving Level 3

Duration: 4 days
Requirements: 18 years old, SSI Level 2 or equivalent, medical questionnaire
Special features: incl. SSI Certification


2018 world record 24 track diving without fins (team) 198,25 Freiburg Germany
2013 world record track diving under ice without fin 77 m Weissensee Austria
2013 world record track diving under ice without fin 84 m Weissensee Austria
2011 world record track diving under ice with fin 103m Lake Garichtesee Switzerland
2011 world record track diving under ice with fin 108m Weissensee Austria
2010 world record track diving under ice 2010 without fin 68m Lake Garichtesee Switzerland
2010 German record route diving / lake without fin 105m Nimburger See Germany
2010 German record track diving / lake with fin 136m Nimburger See Germany

Participation in competitions
2013 South German champion and overall victory at the South German championship in Stuttgart
2012 3rd place National German Championship Deep Diving and Bronze in FIM
2012 bronze in the German Cup 2012 and 5th at the RMC Wiesbaden
2010 4th place National German Championship Berlin
2009 3rd place international Swiss championship Lausanne
2009 1st place Freiburg time diving championship

2013 Relaqua – Mental and Physical Program
Deep relaxation
2010 dive naturally competition team
2009 Apnea College together with Andreas Falkenroth

TV reports:; Diving at the limit;

Books :


03.04.-10.04.2025 ORCA Dive Club Soma Bay with Nik Linder Relaqua Week (with the possibility to become a Relaqua Trainer)

20.11.-27.11.2025 8 days / 7 nights Freediving Safari with Nik Linder on the Alia Soul

27.11.-04.12.2025 ORCA Dive Club Soma Bay with Nik Linder Freediving week


All events can be booked online.
For questions and information feel free to contact us: